The purpose of this conference is to restore broken relationships and bring healing to hurt and wounded hearts, lives and relationships; to call God’s people to “restore the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers” and to “restore all things” through the love of Jesus and the power of repentance and forgiveness. You may find yourself in negative habits and patterns of broken relationships, anger, shame and pain. God wants to bring healing to our hearts to stop the cycles of sin and failure. This conference will help you come to the Father as a child, to learn and experience His life changing love!!
Depending on length of conference, topics may include:
Forgiveness and Repentance:
These are the keys to releasing hurts from the past and the release of life into our current walk with the Father.
4 Spiritual Laws:
The four laws that the Kingdom of Heaven operate and how they affect your life.
Fruit to Root:
If there is “bad fruit” in your life, then there is a bad root behind it. Identify those roots and through forgiveness and repentance find healing.
Bitter Root Judgments and Expectancies:
The driving force behind the recurring patterns of trouble and destruction in our lives.
How We See God:
We form our under-standing of God through our parents and other primary people in our lives. These experience effect our set of beliefs about God and ourselves.
Hearts of Stone and Inner Vows:
Disappointments and hurts in life causes us to harden our heart to avoid further hurt, keeping us from intimacy with others and God. Inner vows are responses from hurt that act as unconscious directives and control our responses to situations and people.
Performance Orientation:
Refers to the false motives which drive us in how we re-act and interact. Creates fear and striving for acceptance, insecurities, and a compulsive need for approval. Creates burn out and inability to open your heart to others.
Identifications of Love:
Words, gestures and actions that we interpret as love from others. These packages become idols which define our ideas of what true love is. We demand these from others. God is the one who describes relationships and how they should work
More Conferences by Pastor Jay and Peg
The Power of Forgiveness
The Father’s Heart
Living In the Kingdom
Personal Healing Sessions
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit